A downloadable Overload for Windows, macOS, and Linux

A simple game I made myself. everything is made by me, so don't worry about stolen content. It's also very early in development, so bugs are to be expected, and it'd be very appreciated if you provided feedback-it's not required though.

Escape: Pause

WASD / mouse: Movement

Left mouse button: fire

Space: jump

Mouse Scroll: Change weapon

[Made with Unreal Engine, using Blueprint]

[Project is currently on hold]


Overload V0.7 184 MB

Install instructions

1) Install the zip file.

2) Extract the contents, you need to do this to access the game files.

3) That's really it. You can now access the program.

4) If you already have an older version installed, it is recommended you delete it to save space.

Development log

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